Since the start of her writing career Nicola Lindsay has been writing poetry covering a broad spectrum of subjects and styles for adults and children.
Her collection of poetry called Lines of Thought was published in 1995. Since then, she has read more recent work on RTE Radio’s Sunday Miscellany on several occasions and some of these poems have been included in the Sunday Miscellany Anthology of New Irish Writing, which is published every three years. She has also read her work on RTE’s LYRIC FM programme, The Quiet Quarter and on the Gerry Ryan Show on RTE Radio 1, on BBC Cambridgeshire, East Coast Radio and Anna Livia.
Over the years, Nicola has performed both her prose and poetry in a wide variety of venues from Mountjoy Prison to Mount Juliet.
Her aim is to communicate in a very direct way and she enjoys the feedback from her live audiences.
The late Professor Brendan Kennelly, Professor Emeritus at Trinity College Dublin said of Nicola’s poetry . . . “I like the wry wisdom of many of the poems - these are the poems of a person who has lived and loved . . . .It’s a fine handsome book”
Poetry for Adults
Her poetry has been included in a number of anthologies, including two collections in the United Kingdom. See below. She has also won several poetry competitions and has had poems published by Books Ireland.
Poems for children
Performances of poetry for children in schools have included many of her own poems/work.
Some of these poems are amusing re-makes of traditional nursery rhymes such as Rock-a-bye Baby, Jack and Jill, and Incy Wincy Spider etc. often with a Roald Dahl flavour!
To listen to Nicola reading from Allo Vera, click on the tab below: